Fund Established Jan.6, 1976
The Ohio State Firefighters' Association has established a legal defense trust fund for the purpose of paying the expenses for the legal defense of a firefighter who is a member in good standing of the trust fund that has been arrested, for which a summons has been issued, and charged with vehicle homicide regardless of the degree.
The Trust Fund is administered by a board of five trustees, four of which shall be elected by the executive board of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association. The fifth trustee shall be the secretary/treasurer of the OSFA; an ex-officio member, and will be identified as the trust fund Comptroller. The terms of the elected officials shall be for a period of four years after the initial terms expire and they will be voted into office at the October meeting of the executive board.
The trust fund has been created by contributions for the fire departments and individual firefighters, and is in excess of the $286,000.00 authorized for the implementation and activation of the plan for the protections of its members.
The trustees will meet annually at the annual conference of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association to conduct any business pertaining to the Trust Fund including the annual audit. Expenses for the trustees will be paid form the trust fund in accordance with the guidelines established for the Ohio State Firefighters' Association.
The fund will pay all reasonable legal expenses involved in the defense of a member firefighter for a violation of the Ohio Revised code when the charge is vehicular homicide, regardless of the degree. Authorization for payment shall be made by the trustees at a regular or special meeting called for such purpose. The firefighter must meet membership requirements and be operating a vehicle in duty status at the time of the alleged offense. Coverage of individuals will be determined by the names listed on and kept current by the department, company or unit roster filed with the Comptroller of the trust fund. After initial payment to the fund, names may be substituted on said roster, however, if members added to the roster, thereby increasing the total number on the roster, additional membership fees must be paid.
If a member is active on more than one department, unit, or company, and is involved in an accident, he shall be covered by the fund, even if the department he is with at the time of the occurrence is not a member of the trust fund.
The Trust Fund has been accumulated by payment into the fund, the sum of $7.00 for each individual member of a department, company or unit, or by the payment of such amount by a firefighter who is an individual member of the association. The fund, presently in excess of $286,000.00 is currently invested and managed by the trustees. As membership increases, so will the principle of the trust fund. It is expected and projected that the interest earned on the principle will pay all necessary expenses for the defense of members and minimal expenses for the administration of the fund.
For the purpose of coverage of a firefighter by the fund, he must be a member of a legally organized fire department or rescue unit. Such department or rescue unit may be one organized and maintained by a political sub-division or a private volunteer fire department or company. Such department, unit or company must be a member in good standing of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association as determined and defined by the association rules and regulations. Failure of the department, company or unit to maintain current membership in the association will suspend and void all rights to the coverage benefits of the trust fund while under suspension. Coverage under the fund may be reinstated upon application to the trustees of the fund, by the department, and upon payment by the company or unit of all delinquent dues and assessments. Firefighters whose department, company or unit are not members of the OSFA may become a member of the Legal Defense Trust Fund by joining OSFA as an individual member, therefore becoming eligible to join the Legal Defense Trust Fund as an individual member.
In the event of an extraordinary demand upon the fund, which would require invasion of the principle of the trust fund, a pro-rata assessment may be made to replace the amount drawn form the principle.
All monies paid into the fund shall become the property of the Legal Defense Trust Fund and are not refundable.
Fund Established Jan.6, 1976
The Ohio State Firefighters' Association has established a legal defense trust fund for the purpose of paying the expenses for the legal defense of a firefighter who is a member in good standing of the trust fund that has been arrested, for which a summons has been issued, and charged with vehicle homicide regardless of the degree.
The Trust Fund is administered by a board of five trustees, four of which shall be elected by the executive board of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association. The fifth trustee shall be the secretary/treasurer of the OSFA; an ex-officio member, and will be identified as the trust fund Comptroller. The terms of the elected officials shall be for a period of four years after the initial terms expire and they will be voted into office at the October meeting of the executive board.
The trust fund has been created by contributions for the fire departments and individual firefighters, and is in excess of the $286,000.00 authorized for the implementation and activation of the plan for the protections of its members.
The trustees will meet annually at the annual conference of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association to conduct any business pertaining to the Trust Fund including the annual audit. Expenses for the trustees will be paid form the trust fund in accordance with the guidelines established for the Ohio State Firefighters' Association.
The fund will pay all reasonable legal expenses involved in the defense of a member firefighter for a violation of the Ohio Revised code when the charge is vehicular homicide, regardless of the degree. Authorization for payment shall be made by the trustees at a regular or special meeting called for such purpose. The firefighter must meet membership requirements and be operating a vehicle in duty status at the time of the alleged offense. Coverage of individuals will be determined by the names listed on and kept current by the department, company or unit roster filed with the Comptroller of the trust fund. After initial payment to the fund, names may be substituted on said roster, however, if members added to the roster, thereby increasing the total number on the roster, additional membership fees must be paid.
If a member is active on more than one department, unit, or company, and is involved in an accident, he shall be covered by the fund, even if the department he is with at the time of the occurrence is not a member of the trust fund.
The Trust Fund has been accumulated by payment into the fund, the sum of $7.00 for each individual member of a department, company or unit, or by the payment of such amount by a firefighter who is an individual member of the association. The fund, presently in excess of $286,000.00 is currently invested and managed by the trustees. As membership increases, so will the principle of the trust fund. It is expected and projected that the interest earned on the principle will pay all necessary expenses for the defense of members and minimal expenses for the administration of the fund.
For the purpose of coverage of a firefighter by the fund, he must be a member of a legally organized fire department or rescue unit. Such department or rescue unit may be one organized and maintained by a political sub-division or a private volunteer fire department or company. Such department, unit or company must be a member in good standing of the Ohio State Firefighters' Association as determined and defined by the association rules and regulations. Failure of the department, company or unit to maintain current membership in the association will suspend and void all rights to the coverage benefits of the trust fund while under suspension. Coverage under the fund may be reinstated upon application to the trustees of the fund, by the department, and upon payment by the company or unit of all delinquent dues and assessments. Firefighters whose department, company or unit are not members of the OSFA may become a member of the Legal Defense Trust Fund by joining OSFA as an individual member, therefore becoming eligible to join the Legal Defense Trust Fund as an individual member.
In the event of an extraordinary demand upon the fund, which would require invasion of the principle of the trust fund, a pro-rata assessment may be made to replace the amount drawn form the principle.
All monies paid into the fund shall become the property of the Legal Defense Trust Fund and are not refundable.
Individual firefighters who are involved in an accident and are cited should, upon receipt of the citation, should notify one of the following, by the most expeditious method of communication available.
Jace Melick, Trustee
1150 Salt Springs Road, Apt #41 Lordstown, OH 44481-9667 330-509-3851 [email protected] |
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